- 13,930 total downloads
- last updated 7/19/2023
- Latest version: 1.1.0
Dotnet wrapper over faisslib vector store (see https://github.com/facebookresearch/faiss). Currently only available for Windows x64. (Support for other platforms is possible). -
by: fwarisAglomera - 11,985 total downloads
- last updated 12/24/2020
- Latest version: 1.1.1
A hierarchical agglomerative clustering (HAC) library written in C# This is a bug-fix version of the original Algomera package. Use it till a version of Aglomera newer than is released. -
by: fwarisFun - 4,386 total downloads
- last updated 9/7/2024
- Latest version: 0.82.0
A wrapper over TorchSharp that provides a function-compostion style of model construction -
- 4,334 total downloads
- last updated 9/8/2024
- Latest version: 0.5.3
Tsetlin machine ML library. Uses tensor operations to parallelize learning and prediction. It utilizes the tensor library underpinning TorchSharp/PyTorch. -
- 1,930 total downloads
- last updated 3/28/2024
- Latest version: 2.0.0
Cultural Algorithms optimization framework for mixed integer, dynamic optimization problems. This method uses an ensmble of search strategies. The dynamic balance between the strategies is maintained by a... More information -
- 1,893 total downloads
- last updated 3/7/2022
- Latest version: 3.0.1
Cartesian Genetic Programming library for F# -
- 1,799 total downloads
- last updated 7/24/2024
- Latest version: 1.6.1
Supports the creation of Avalonia windows in F# interactive. The code in this package is used by an accompanying script that starts the EventLoop in F# Interactive. -
- 1,314 total downloads
- last updated 11/20/2021
- Latest version: 1.0.0
Compiled tensorflow (selective) protobuf files required to support checkpoints -
- 1,035 total downloads
- last updated 11/19/2021
- Latest version: 1.0.0
A helper library for tokenizing text as per requirements of BERT-based language models -
- 932 total downloads
- last updated 3/24/2021
- Latest version: 2.2.1
Repackaged version of FSharp.Charting library for dotnet core and net4.8 -
- 838 total downloads
- last updated 10/30/2022
- Latest version: 1.1.0
BERT model in TorchSharp with the ability to load pre-trained weights from Google BERT checkpoints. This model produces a single value per input sequence - suitable for tasks such as text classification. -
- 820 total downloads
- last updated 4/12/2021
- Latest version: 1.2.1
Neural architecture search for deep learning models based on the NEAT (Neuroevolution of Augmenting Topologies) methodology. Two types of evolutionary drivers are included: a) Cultural Algorithms and b) NEAT's... More information -
- 817 total downloads
- last updated 4/22/2023
- Latest version: 0.21.0
A set of utilities that support Microsoft.ML usage from F# -
by: fwarisGPU - 702 total downloads
- last updated 3/22/2021
- Latest version: 0.9.1
Functional wrapper over CNTK written in F# -
by: fwaris- 607 total downloads
- last updated 11/16/2021
- Latest version: 1.0.0
Extract tensor data from Tensorflow checkpoint format -
- 528 total downloads
- last updated 12/24/2020
- Latest version: 2.2.1
Temporary package to address assembly reference issues in QuikGraph.MSAGL .NET library that provides a bridge from QuikGraph graphs to MSAGL library. This package is the MSAGL subset of the original... More information -
by: fwaris- 350 total downloads
- last updated 4/12/2021
- Latest version: 1.0.0
Package Description