- 12,111 total downloads
- last updated 12/13/2021
- Latest version: 6.0.1
A lightweight .NET wrapper for the official Elgato Stream Deck SDK, designed to assist with creating plugins that can be distributed on the Stream Deck store. -
by: GeekyEggo- 1,168 total downloads
- last updated 12/19/2022
- Latest version: 0.0.6-beta (prerelease)
Create .NET plugins for the Elgato Stream Deck, using the official Elgato SDK. -
- 464 total downloads
- last updated 11/6/2021
- Latest version: 0.0.1
A lightweight set of classes designed to extend and complement the existing System.Threading.Channels library, with a focus on allowing greater control of ordering elements within a channel.