XUCore.Template.RazorPage 7.7.4

There is a newer version of this package available.
See the version list below for details.
dotnet new install XUCore.Template.RazorPage::7.7.4                
This package contains a .NET Template Package you can call from the shell/command line.



基于 FreeSql 的精简分层快速开发项目模板,生成 Web WeChat 项目


本地安装模板:可详情见 install-template.bat 文件内



dotnet new -u xwechat


dotnet new --install XUCore.Template.RazorPage::{version}



假设我们需要在 E:\demo 创建,


cd E:\demo


dotnet new xwechat -n MyTest -o .

这里的 xwechat 是使用模板短名称。

MyTest 为新创建的项目名称。


本地构建项目镜像到 Docker(如果使用 jenkins 可以直接在 jenkins 里配置)

前提是 dockerfile 需要放在项目根目录,而非启动项目的目录

不采用微软自带的 dockerfile,我们需要手工打包发布。


cd E:\demo\MyTest.WebApi2


dotnet build -c Release

3、本地发布(实际发布到当前项目的 bin/Release/net5.0/publish/ 目录)

dotnet publish -c Release

4、打包进 docker

docker build -t mytest:0.0.1 .


E:\MyTest>docker build -t mytest:0.0.1 .
[+] Building 14.7s (12/20)
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                               0.0s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 32B                                                                                0.0s
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                  0.0s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                                    0.0s
 => [internal] load metadata for mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:5.0                                                  0.0s
[+] Building 15.1s (12/20)
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                               0.0s
[+] Building 30.4s (12/20)
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                               0.0s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 32B                                                                                0.0s
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                  0.0s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                                    0.0s
[+] Building 56.7s (21/21) FINISHED
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                               0.0s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 32B                                                                                0.0s
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                  0.0s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                                    0.0s
 => [internal] load metadata for mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:5.0                                                  0.0s
 => [internal] load metadata for mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/aspnet:5.0                                               0.0s
 => [build 1/7] FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:5.0                                                              0.0s
 => [internal] load build context                                                                                  1.2s
 => => transferring context: 119.91MB                                                                              1.2s
 => [base 1/5] FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/aspnet:5.0                                                            0.0s
 => CACHED [build 2/7] WORKDIR /src                                                                                0.0s
 => CACHED [build 3/7] COPY [MyTest.WebApi2/MyTest.WebApi2.csproj, MyTest.WebApi2/]                                   0.0s
 => CACHED [build 4/7] RUN dotnet restore "MyTest.WebApi2/MyTest.WebApi2.csproj"                                     0.0s
 => [build 5/7] COPY . .                                                                                           0.4s
 => [build 6/7] WORKDIR /src/MyTest.WebApi2                                                                         0.0s
 => [build 7/7] RUN dotnet build "MyTest.WebApi2.csproj" -c Release -o /app/build                                  43.2s
 => [publish 1/1] RUN dotnet publish "MyTest.WebApi2.csproj" -c Release -o /app/publish                            11.5s
 => CACHED [base 2/5] ADD [sources.list, /etc/apt/]                                                                0.0s
 => CACHED [base 3/5] RUN rm /etc/localtime                                                                        0.0s
 => CACHED [base 4/5] RUN ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime                                   0.0s
 => CACHED [base 5/5] WORKDIR /app                                                                                 0.0s
 => CACHED [final 1/2] WORKDIR /app                                                                                0.0s
 => CACHED [final 2/2] COPY --from=publish /app/publish .                                                          0.0s
 => exporting to image                                                                                             0.0s
 => => exporting layers                                                                                            0.0s
 => => writing image sha256:addb11051debc4cf74c7d048d15cafdb7edbf121ae54fc55960f1b46bce94fda                       0.0s
 => => naming to docker.io/library/mytest:0.0.1                                                                    0.0s
 => => #   Determining projects to restore...
Use 'docker scan' to run Snyk tests against images to find vulnerabilities and learn how to fix them

结束后,我们使用 docker images 查看打包好的镜像

E:\MyTest>docker images
REPOSITORY                        TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
mytest                            0.0.1     addb11051deb   20 hours ago   258MB
mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk      5.0       1cfcb8589c29   12 days ago    631MB
mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/aspnet   5.0       592a912e0dcb   12 days ago    205MB


docker run --name my-test -d -p 8090:8090 mytest:0.0.1

启动后我们通过 docker ps -a 查看运行的镜像

E:\MyTest>docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE          COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS                       PORTS     NAMES
35c9010404ae   mytest:0.0.1   "dotnet MyTest.WebAp…"   5 minutes ago   Exited (139) 4 minutes ago             my-test




docker logs 35c9010404ae


fail: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Connection[20004]
      An error occurred using the connection to database '' on server 'localhost'.
fail: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Connection[20004]
      An error occurred using the connection to database '' on server 'localhost'.
fail: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Connection[20004]
      An error occurred using the connection to database '' on server 'localhost'.
fail: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Connection[20004]
      An error occurred using the connection to database '' on server 'localhost'.
fail: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Connection[20004]
      An error occurred using the connection to database '' on server 'localhost'.
fail: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Connection[20004]

客户端接入 API

API 隐藏操作说明
head value 说明
limit-mode contain or ignore contain 的意思是指定输出字段, ignore 的意思是忽略指定字段
limit-field 字段集合 指定要输出或要忽略的字段,以英文逗号分隔,如:column1,column2,column3
limit-field-rename 要重命名的字段 字段以输出为准,比如:code=c,subCode=sub,data=data,nickname=userNickName
limit-resolver camelcase or default camelcase 的意思是指定输出小驼峰字段, default 的意思是默认输出大小写字段
limit-date-unix true or false 当设置为true的时候 则是所有DateTime时间全部返回时间戳,当为false的时候不启用
limit-date-format 日期格式化字符串 比如:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' 返回的数据如:2021-01-06T10:03:38Z
1、如何改变 DateTime 的格式?

我们需要在 http 请求的时候,在 head 里加入配置

head value 说明
limit-date-unix true or false 当设置为true的时候 则是所有DateTime时间全部返回时间戳,当为false的时候不启用
limit-date-format 日期格式化字符串 比如:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' 返回的数据如:2021-01-06T10:03:38Z

注意: limit-date-unix的优先级要大于limit-date-format

head value 说明
limit-mode contain or ignore contain 的意思是指定输出字段, ignore 的意思是忽略指定字段
limit-field 字段集合 指定要输出或要忽略的字段,以英文逗号分隔,如:column1,column2,column3
limit-field-rename 要重命名的字段 字段以输出为准,比如:code=c,subCode=sub,data=data,nickname=userNickName



head value 说明
limit-resolver camelcase or default camelcase 的意思是指定输出小驼峰字段, default 的意思是默认输出大小写字段




设置 说明
limit-mode contain 指定匹配输出模式
limit-field code,subCode,data,userId,userNickName,entName 设置需要的字段集合,英文逗号分隔



设置 说明
limit-mode contain 指定匹配输出模式
limit-field code,sub,data,totalPages,totalRecords,pageDatas,createTime,nickName,entId,entName 设置需要的字段集合,英文逗号分隔,并以重命名后的字段为准设置输出字段
limit-field-rename subcode=sub,data=data,items=pageDatas,userNickName=nickName 重命名字段



设置 说明
limit-mode ignore 指定忽略输出模式
limit-field code,subCode,message,userId,userNickName,entName,productType,userHeadImg_48 设置要忽略的字段集合,英文逗号分隔



设置 说明
limit-mode ignore 指定忽略输出模式
limit-field code,subCode,message,userId,userNickName,entName,productType,userHeadImg_48 设置要忽略的字段集合,英文逗号分隔
limit-date-unix true 设置 DateTime 输出时间戳
Accept application/json 指定输出 json 格式的 json 字符串格式


在一定程度上使 API 接入变得稍微复杂了一点点,但是能优化网络传输,或许我们可以考虑牺牲一点复杂度,按需索取来优化传输问题。

客户端 适合程度
移动端 非常适合
web 端 适合
服务端 跨语言,在不同规范的情况下适合接入,能解决模型不一致的问题,k8s 内走内网地址不需要考虑这个问题
  • net6.0

    • No dependencies.

NuGet packages

This package is not used by any NuGet packages.

GitHub repositories

This package is not used by any popular GitHub repositories.

Version Downloads Last updated
9.6.11 0 9/26/2024
9.6.10 53 9/24/2024
9.6.9 56 9/24/2024
9.6.8 68 9/24/2024
9.6.7 94 9/23/2024
9.6.6 91 9/20/2024
9.6.5 101 9/14/2024
9.6.4 90 9/14/2024
9.6.3 126 8/21/2024
9.6.2 142 8/21/2024
9.6.1 161 8/13/2024
9.5.9 80 8/2/2024
9.5.7 63 7/31/2024
9.5.6 69 7/26/2024
9.5.5 103 7/23/2024
9.5.4 83 7/23/2024
9.5.3 123 7/22/2024
9.5.2 113 7/18/2024
9.5.1 113 7/16/2024
9.4.11 116 7/11/2024
9.4.10 137 7/5/2024
9.4.9 164 7/2/2024
9.4.8 122 7/1/2024
9.4.7 151 6/27/2024
9.4.6 117 6/26/2024
9.4.5 153 6/25/2024
9.4.4 125 6/23/2024
9.4.3 134 6/21/2024
9.4.2 116 6/14/2024
9.4.1 89 6/14/2024
9.3.11 134 6/4/2024
9.3.10 143 6/4/2024
9.3.9 139 5/31/2024
9.3.8 157 5/28/2024
9.3.7 227 5/24/2024
9.3.6 113 5/23/2024
9.3.5 128 5/23/2024
9.3.4 124 5/22/2024
9.3.3 305 5/15/2024
9.3.2 122 5/15/2024
9.3.1 117 5/15/2024
9.2.19 129 5/14/2024
9.2.18 93 5/14/2024
9.2.17 89 5/14/2024
9.2.16 130 5/14/2024
9.2.15 105 5/13/2024
9.2.14 88 5/13/2024
9.2.13 78 5/13/2024
9.2.12 93 5/12/2024
9.2.11 154 5/11/2024
9.2.10 126 5/10/2024
9.2.9 129 5/9/2024
9.2.8 174 5/7/2024
9.2.7 176 5/7/2024
9.2.6 117 4/29/2024
9.2.5 152 4/25/2024
9.2.4 150 4/22/2024
9.2.3 132 4/19/2024
9.2.2 138 4/19/2024
9.2.1 197 4/17/2024
9.1.13 229 4/16/2024
9.1.12 205 4/16/2024
9.1.11 276 4/16/2024
9.1.10 294 4/14/2024
9.1.9 255 4/14/2024
9.1.8 232 4/12/2024
9.1.7 272 4/12/2024
9.1.6 277 4/12/2024
9.1.5 278 4/11/2024
9.1.4 268 4/11/2024
9.1.3 287 4/11/2024
9.1.2 314 4/10/2024
9.1.1 335 4/9/2024
8.11.12 328 4/9/2024
8.11.11 331 4/3/2024
8.11.10 419 3/29/2024
8.11.9 397 3/28/2024
8.11.8 492 3/26/2024
8.11.7 481 3/25/2024
8.11.6 660 3/21/2024
8.11.5 875 3/13/2024
8.11.4 752 3/10/2024
8.11.3 897 3/4/2024
8.11.2 685 3/4/2024
8.11.1 864 3/1/2024
8.10.14 977 2/21/2024
8.10.13 1,003 2/20/2024
8.10.12 702 2/20/2024
8.10.11 784 2/20/2024
8.10.10 694 2/20/2024
8.10.9 787 2/20/2024
8.10.8 738 2/20/2024
8.10.7 994 2/18/2024
8.10.6 891 2/18/2024
8.10.5 1,353 2/6/2024
8.10.4 1,147 2/6/2024
8.10.3 918 2/4/2024
8.10.2 1,151 2/4/2024
8.10.1 877 2/4/2024
8.9.9 1,067 2/3/2024 8.9.9 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.9.8 1,090 2/3/2024 8.9.8 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.9.7 1,261 1/26/2024 8.9.7 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.9.6 949 1/26/2024 8.9.6 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.9.5 1,073 1/25/2024 8.9.5 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.9.4 1,236 1/25/2024 8.9.4 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.9.3 1,171 1/24/2024 8.9.3 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.9.2 1,105 1/23/2024 8.9.2 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.9.1 1,194 1/23/2024 8.9.1 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.9.0 1,065 1/23/2024 8.9.0 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.8.9 1,050 1/23/2024 8.8.9 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.8.8 1,123 1/22/2024 8.8.8 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.8.7 935 1/22/2024 8.8.7 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.8.6 1,066 1/22/2024 8.8.6 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.8.5 1,027 1/22/2024 8.8.5 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.8.4 841 1/22/2024 8.8.4 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.8.3 1,093 1/22/2024 8.8.3 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.8.2 1,096 1/20/2024 8.8.2 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.8.1 1,032 1/20/2024 8.8.1 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.8.0 1,028 1/20/2024 8.8.0 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.7.9 845 1/20/2024 8.7.9 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.7.8 953 1/20/2024 8.7.8 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.7.7 977 1/19/2024 8.7.7 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.7.6 968 1/19/2024 8.7.6 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.7.5 1,069 1/19/2024 8.7.5 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.7.4 1,059 1/19/2024 8.7.4 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.7.3 948 1/19/2024 8.7.3 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.7.2 992 1/19/2024 8.7.2 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.7.1 950 1/19/2024 8.7.1 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.7.0 1,190 1/18/2024 8.7.0 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.6.9 897 1/18/2024 8.6.9 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.6.8 1,010 1/18/2024 8.6.8 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.6.7 936 1/18/2024 8.6.7 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.6.6 1,018 1/18/2024 8.6.6 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.6.5 1,043 1/18/2024 8.6.5 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.6.4 1,056 1/17/2024 8.6.4 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.6.3 858 1/17/2024 8.6.3 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.6.2 1,022 1/17/2024 8.6.2 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.6.1 1,037 1/16/2024 8.6.1 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.6.0 1,123 1/16/2024 8.6.0 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.5.9 1,216 1/16/2024 8.5.9 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.5.8 1,197 1/15/2024 8.5.8 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.5.7 1,072 1/15/2024 8.5.7 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.5.6 1,037 1/15/2024 8.5.6 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.5.5 1,009 1/14/2024 8.5.5 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.5.4 1,121 1/14/2024 8.5.4 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.5.3 958 1/13/2024 8.5.3 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.5.2 1,093 1/13/2024 8.5.2 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.5.1 1,219 1/13/2024 8.5.1 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.5.0 1,049 1/12/2024 8.5.0 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.4.9 1,332 1/11/2024 8.4.9 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.4.8 1,070 1/11/2024 8.4.8 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.4.7 1,119 1/10/2024 8.4.7 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.4.6 1,064 1/10/2024 8.4.6 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.4.5 1,093 1/10/2024 8.4.5 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.4.4 1,228 1/9/2024 8.4.4 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.4.3 1,283 1/8/2024 8.4.3 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.4.2 1,122 1/8/2024 8.4.2 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.4.1 1,067 1/8/2024 8.4.1 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.4.0 1,203 1/8/2024 8.4.0 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.3.9 1,208 1/8/2024 8.3.9 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.3.8 1,191 1/8/2024 8.3.8 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.3.7 1,155 1/8/2024 8.3.7 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.3.6 1,212 1/6/2024 8.3.6 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.3.5 1,420 1/5/2024 8.3.5 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.3.4 1,276 1/5/2024 8.3.4 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.3.3 995 1/5/2024 8.3.3 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.3.2 1,445 1/5/2024 8.3.2 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.3.1 1,148 1/5/2024 8.3.1 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.3.0 1,367 1/5/2024 8.3.0 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.2.9 1,156 1/5/2024 8.2.9 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.2.8 1,127 1/4/2024 8.2.8 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.2.7 1,196 1/4/2024 8.2.7 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.2.6 1,107 1/4/2024 8.2.6 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.2.5 1,088 1/4/2024 8.2.5 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.2.4 1,176 1/3/2024 8.2.4 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.2.3 1,066 1/3/2024 8.2.3 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.2.2 1,252 1/3/2024 8.2.2 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.2.1 1,209 1/3/2024 8.2.1 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.2.0 1,248 1/2/2024 8.2.0 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.1.9 1,302 1/2/2024 8.1.9 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.1.8 1,339 12/25/2023 8.1.8 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.1.7 1,478 12/18/2023 8.1.7 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.1.6 1,323 12/15/2023 8.1.6 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.1.5 1,473 12/14/2023 8.1.5 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.1.4 1,460 12/14/2023 8.1.4 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.1.3 1,271 12/14/2023 8.1.3 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.1.2 1,424 12/14/2023 8.1.2 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.1.1 1,263 12/14/2023 8.1.1 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.1.0 1,357 12/13/2023 8.1.0 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.0.9 1,267 12/13/2023 8.0.9 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.0.8 1,475 12/13/2023 8.0.8 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.0.7 1,457 12/13/2023 8.0.7 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.0.6 1,268 12/12/2023 8.0.6 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.0.5 1,368 12/12/2023 8.0.5 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.0.4 1,352 12/11/2023 8.0.4 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.0.3 1,618 12/7/2023 8.0.3 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.0.2 1,506 12/6/2023 8.0.2 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.0.1 1,412 12/5/2023 8.0.1 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
8.0.0 1,414 12/5/2023 8.0.0 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.9.9 1,485 12/5/2023 7.9.9 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.9.8 1,372 12/5/2023 7.9.8 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.9.7 1,433 12/4/2023 7.9.7 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.9.6 1,432 12/4/2023 7.9.6 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.9.5 1,424 12/1/2023 7.9.5 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.9.4 1,671 11/24/2023 7.9.4 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.9.3 1,630 11/24/2023 7.9.3 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.9.2 1,359 11/23/2023 7.9.2 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.9.1 1,509 11/17/2023 7.9.1 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.9.0 1,530 11/17/2023 7.9.0 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.8.9 1,290 11/17/2023 7.8.9 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.8.8 1,339 11/16/2023 7.8.8 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.8.7 1,142 11/16/2023 7.8.7 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.8.6 1,090 11/16/2023 7.8.6 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.8.5 1,200 11/16/2023 7.8.5 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.8.4 1,299 11/15/2023 7.8.4 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.8.3 1,275 11/14/2023 7.8.3 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.8.2 1,491 11/10/2023 7.8.2 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.8.1 1,317 11/10/2023 7.8.1 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.8.0 1,360 11/10/2023 7.8.0 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.7.9 1,449 11/9/2023 7.7.9 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.7.8 1,374 11/9/2023 7.7.8 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.7.7 1,291 11/8/2023 7.7.7 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.7.6 1,229 11/8/2023 7.7.6 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.7.5 1,548 11/7/2023 7.7.5 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.7.4 1,385 11/7/2023 7.7.4 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.7.3 1,503 11/7/2023 7.7.3 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.7.2 1,552 11/7/2023 7.7.2 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.7.1 1,330 11/7/2023 7.7.1 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.7.0 1,700 11/3/2023 7.7.0 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.6.9 1,435 11/3/2023 7.6.9 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.6.8 1,446 11/3/2023 7.6.8 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.6.7 1,392 11/3/2023 7.6.7 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.6.6 1,386 11/2/2023 7.6.6 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.6.5 1,639 10/31/2023 7.6.5 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.6.4 1,559 10/31/2023 7.6.4 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.6.3 1,704 10/30/2023 7.6.3 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.6.2 1,671 10/27/2023 7.6.2 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.6.1 1,535 10/27/2023 7.6.1 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.6.0 1,265 10/27/2023 7.6.0 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.5.9 1,365 10/27/2023 7.5.9 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.5.8 1,502 10/27/2023 7.5.8 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.5.7 1,428 10/26/2023 7.5.7 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.5.6 1,524 10/26/2023 7.5.6 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.5.5 1,314 10/26/2023 7.5.5 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.5.4 1,492 10/26/2023 7.5.4 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.5.3 1,327 10/25/2023 7.5.3 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.5.2 1,394 10/25/2023 7.5.2 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.5.1 1,405 10/25/2023 7.5.1 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.5.0 1,423 10/24/2023 7.5.0 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.4.9 1,579 10/24/2023 7.4.9 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.4.8 1,517 10/24/2023 7.4.8 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.4.7 1,551 10/23/2023 7.4.7 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.4.6 1,469 10/20/2023 7.4.6 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.4.5 1,596 10/20/2023 7.4.5 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.4.4 1,628 10/18/2023 7.4.4 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.4.3 1,943 10/9/2023 7.4.3 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.4.2 1,522 10/8/2023 7.4.2 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.4.1 1,302 10/7/2023 7.4.1 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.4.0 1,755 9/15/2023 7.4.0 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.3.9 1,636 9/15/2023 7.3.9 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.3.8 1,751 9/14/2023 7.3.8 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.3.7 1,542 9/14/2023 7.3.7 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.3.6 1,486 9/14/2023 7.3.6 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.3.5 1,769 9/13/2023 7.3.5 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.3.4 1,598 9/13/2023 7.3.4 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.3.3 1,633 9/13/2023 7.3.3 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.3.2 1,398 9/12/2023 7.3.2 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.3.1 1,712 9/12/2023 7.3.1 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.3.0 1,539 9/12/2023 7.3.0 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.2.9 1,753 9/7/2023 7.2.9 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.2.8 1,804 9/7/2023 7.2.8 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.2.7 1,871 9/6/2023 7.2.7 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.2.6 1,640 9/6/2023 7.2.6 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.2.5 1,572 9/6/2023 7.2.5 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.2.4 1,676 8/31/2023 7.2.4 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.2.3 1,514 8/31/2023 7.2.3 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.2.2 1,610 8/30/2023 7.2.2 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.2.1 1,736 8/30/2023 7.2.1 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.2.0 1,614 8/30/2023 7.2.0 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.1.9 1,654 8/29/2023 7.1.9 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.1.8 1,634 8/29/2023 7.1.8 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.1.7 1,922 8/29/2023 7.1.7 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.1.6 1,727 8/29/2023 7.1.6 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.1.5 1,612 8/28/2023 7.1.5 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.1.4 1,718 8/28/2023 7.1.4 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.1.3 1,772 8/28/2023 7.1.3 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.1.2 1,813 8/25/2023 7.1.2 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.1.1 1,640 8/25/2023 7.1.1 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.1.0 1,562 8/25/2023 7.1.0 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.0.9 2,101 8/25/2023 7.0.9 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.0.8 1,754 8/24/2023 7.0.8 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.0.7 1,727 8/24/2023 7.0.7 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.0.6 1,769 8/24/2023 7.0.6 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.0.5 1,841 8/24/2023 7.0.5 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.0.4 2,207 8/23/2023 7.0.4 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.0.3 1,906 8/23/2023 7.0.3 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.0.2 2,038 8/23/2023 7.0.2 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.0.1 2,102 8/23/2023 7.0.1 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.
7.0.0 2,072 8/22/2023 7.0.0 is deprecated because it is no longer maintained and has critical bugs.