Uncreated.Warfare 4.0.0-p... License Info
License - Uncreated Warfare Project - 2.0
Copyright (c) 2024 Daniel Willett and Ben Valkin
This license applies to the Uncreated.Warfare module (this repository), all official Uncreated.Warfare plugins (which are kept private), all workshop content relating to Uncreated Network (including maps), and any other pieces of software by UncreatedStaff that do not have their own license. All of these will be referred to as 'the project' or 'the code'.
All parts of the project and the project as a whole is intellectual property of Daniel Willett and Ben Valkin of Uncreated Network ('the authors').
Workshop Content and Branding
The Uncreated zombie logo (example at ~/icon.png) and graphics with the logo on it should only be used in reference to the project or any other usages by or with permission from the authors.
Files and content in workshop mods and maps may not be distributed, reuploaded, modified, or 'cracked'/decompiled in any way without permission from an author.
If you want translations uploaded to the official mods, feel free to reach out to an author with the translations ready.
By contributing to the project or creating a fork of the project, you agree that your contribution instantly and irrevocably falls under this license as the authors' intellectual property.
This also applies to workshop asset and map developers as well, though you may be compensated in some cases.
Source code usage
Small portions of the code can be used independently, but not with the intention of combining it with other small portions of the code.
To simplify, you can use small portions of code from the code as long as most of the code for the project you're using it in isn't made up of code from this codebase, and the project it's being copied to is fundamentally different than Uncreated Warfare.
This clause is intended to allow for inspiration from the individual mechanics of the project without allowing for the creation of a combination of many or all the individual mechanics into a single module and claiming it as your own.
Competitive Advantage and Cheating
Players should not use access to the source code for the project to gain a competitive advantage over other players.
Cheaters and cheat developers should not use access to the source code for the project to help develop or improve their cheats.
Third-Party Compilation and Usage of Published Build Outputs (DLLs) and Workshop Mods
The point of this repository being public is for educational reasons only.
Just because the code is public doesn't mean you legally have the right to profit off of it or attempt to compile and host your own version of the project.
It is NOT permitted to host a server using either a self-compiled or an already published assembly of the project, including a fork of the project or another project significantly derived from the project.
- Hosting a local-only, non-commercial server to create and test plugins.
- Hosting a password-protected, non-commercial server to test plugins or for private community events.
- These events can be advertised in the official Uncreated discord server (discord.gg/ucn).
- The official Uncreated Warfare server by the authors.
- A test server by the authors.
- Regarding workshop mods and maps, playing single-player or using the map editor.
The authors are not responsible for helping create or test plugins.
The authors make no guarantees about the ability for the project or any code in the project to perform it's intended or implied tasks.
The project is provided 'as is' and the authors will never be expected to fix any bugs or be liable for any events arising from the project or a contribution to the project.
License Distribution
This exact license or a link to this license (https://github.com/UncreatedStaff/UncreatedWarfare/blob/master/LICENSE.md) must always be distributed with the source code or any build outputs, along with the licenses of any dependencies.
This license may change in the future and anybody using the previous license (like forks, workshop mods, maps, etc.) will be restricted by the license that was active at the time the content was published or it's means of distribution (repository, workshop item, etc.) was last updated.
With that said, if you have reasonable knowledge of the updated license, it should be adhered to instead.
The authors can be contacted through Discord by joining the official Uncreated Discord server at https://discord.gg/ucn and asking for the Directors.
Last updated 09/30/2024 11:49 PM UTC