Suitest 1.5.23 License Info

Suitest 1.5.23

Copyright (c) Suitest. All rights reserved.

Instrumentation Library

As part of the Services Suitest will provide you with the "Instrumentation Library", a code which you need to insert into an application for the application testing. The Instrumentation Library is and shall remain the sole property of Suitest and the User has no right to modify it in any way nor to use the Instrumentation Library for any other purpose other than testing the app with Suitest.  The User may not include the Instrumentation Library code in application instances intended for public usage unless the User has obtained prior written permission from Suitest.  Moreover, the User undertakes to remove the Instrumentation Library code from the application before releasing it into production.

Suitest cannot and will not be held liable for any damage caused by using the Instrumentation Library in production.