Owlcat.Templates 1.13.0

dotnet new install Owlcat.Templates::1.13.0
This package contains a .NET Template Package you can call from the shell/command line.


Environmental Setup (Only needs to be done the first time)

  • Open Windows command prompt (cmd.exe)
  • Install .NET SDK with the command:
    winget install Microsoft.Dotnet.SDK.9
  • I suggest using Visual Studio 2022 to edit the project. Use the following cmd command to install it:
    winget install Microsoft.VisualStudio.2022.Community --override "--add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.ManagedDesktop --add Microsoft.Net.Component.4.8.1.SDK"
  • If you haven't done this before (If you're not sure, just execute in anyways), you might need to add the NuGet repository as a source with the following command:
    dotnet nuget add source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json -n nuget.org
    (Just ignore the following error if it appears: "The name specified has already been added to the list of available package sources. Provide a unique name.")
  • dotnet new install Owlcat.Templates

Creating a Project

  • Open Windows command prompt (cmd.exe) in the directory which should contain project folder
  • dotnet new <TemplateName> -n <ModID> -D "<Mod Name>" (Replace the <value> placeholder with actual values; See a list of TemplateNames just below.)
  • Open the resulting project (open the .sln file with Visual Studio) and Build resulting project once to publicize
  • Restart your IDE to rebuild cache if there are still red underlines

Existing Template:

  • rtmod - UnityModManager Template for Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader
  • rtmodworkshop - UnityModManager Template for Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader. Adds a publishing task which will directly publish to Steam Workshop.
  • rtbpmod - UnityModManager Template for Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader. Adds a patch for modifying the Blueprint cache.
  • rtbpmodworkshop - UnityModManager Template for Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader. Adds a patch for modifying the Blueprint cache. Adds a publishing task which will directly publish to Steam Workshop.
  • wrathmod - UnityModManager Template for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
  • wrathsoundmod - Wwise Template to add new sounds/voices to the game, bundled with a UnityModManager Template for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Read the docs (WIP) to find out how to use the Wwise setup!
  • wrathsoundvoicemod - Wwise Template to add new player/merc voice sets to the game, bundled with a UnityModManager Template for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Read the guide on the wiki to find out how to use the Wwise setup!
  • wrathbpcoremod - BPCore UnityModManager Template for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. BPCore is a community library to make certain aspects of modding easier in Wrath.
  • kmmod - UnityModManager Template for Pathfinder: Kingmaker
  • kmsoundvoicemod - Wwise Template to add new player/merc voice sets to the game, bundled with a UnityModManager Template for Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Read the guide on the wiki to find out how to use the Wwise setup!

After that you should working setup for a UnityModManager mod which:

  • automatically installs the mod when building
  • has the correct path and already references a few assemblies (and even publicizes three of them where I know it's often needed)
  • has Hotreloading as an option by default; it's in both Release and Debug builds since I haven't found a way to ship Compiler Conditionals.

For sound mods, they additionally contain:

  • A Wwise template in which you can add sounds (and create sound events). The template should automatically include the created Soundbanks in the final output.
  • The UnityModManager mod part will automatically load the Soundbanks contained in the mod directory during runtime.
  • If the event name matches an answer/cue/dialog GUID, the sound event should automatically play when that answer/cue/dialog is displayed.


  • The target game needs to be installed. The game must've been started once (for a Player.log file).
  • Kingmaker and Wrath: Have UnityModManager applied to the game.
  • For the sound templates you additionally need a compatible version of Wwise (Audiokinetic) installed: KM: 2016.2 / Wrath: 2019.2 / RT: 2022.1.
  • You need .NET SDK 6 or newer installed. The Environmental Setup step includes a command which installs one such version.
  • .NETFramework 4.8.1

    • No dependencies.

NuGet packages

This package is not used by any NuGet packages.

GitHub repositories

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